قرارداد و اسناد تجاری::
مالیات بر درآمدشخصی
Abbreviation Description Foreign Partner Reyna Engineering Limited or one of its affiliates Local Partner Company incorporated in Mongolia which has a mining license Project Project to be conducted in Mongolia by the Foreign Partner and its Local Partner New Co Special purpose company incorporated for the Project needs Right Right for a mining/petroleum license and/or a land use (or possess) right UBO Ultimate beneficial owner of the Right MNT Mongolian Togrog USD United States Dollar EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization CIT Mongolian corporate income tax WHT Mongolian withholding tax VAT Mongolian value added tax RC VAT Mongolian VAT paid under the reverse charge procedure PIT Mongolian personal income tax SIC Mongolian social insurance and health contribution MRT Mining royalty tax DTT Double tax treaty TP Transfer pricing Company Law Law of Mongolia on Company dated 06 October 2011 CIT Law Law of Mongolia On Corporate Income Tax dated 22 May 2019 VAT Law Law of Mongolia On Value Added Tax dated 9 July 2015 PIT Law Law of Mongolia On Personal Income Tax dated 22 May 2019 SI Law Law of Mongolia On Social Insurance dated 14 May 1994 GT Law General Tax Law of Mongolia dated 22 May 2019 Customs Law Law of Mongolia On Customs dated 20 May 2008 CTCD Law Law of Mongolia On Custom Tariff and Custom Duties dated 20 May 2008 Minerals Law Law of Mongolia On Minerals dated 8 July 2006
Taxes applicable to the New Co: tax implications for a company operating in mining industry, including the main direct and indirect taxes, such as the CIT, MRT, VAT, payroll taxes (PIT and SIC) etc.
- During the Operation of the Project, a Mongolian entity is required to file tax returns (main applicable taxes would be CIT, WHT, VAT, RCVAT and payroll taxes, including PIT and SIC, plus customs taxes and MRT).
These include such common taxes, like a CIT, VAT, PIT, different royalties and payments for use of mineral and natural resources, as well as such specific taxes like a capital city tax etc.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران